About Us

The Department of Nuclear Physics (DFN) is a multidisciplinary research unit in the field of nuclear and atomic physics. The Department's mission lies in the areas of basic and applied research , particularly in the fields which are relevant for sustainable development and the national endeavour for integration in the European Union. The research projects underway in DFN are also of a major importance for training and education.


Beam Time Schedules 2019

The Beam Time Schedules for the Bucharest 3 MV and 9 MV Tandem accelerators are now available. Next call for proposals will be announced in Fall 2019. We look forward to seeing you in Bucharest and wish you a successful experiment!
3 MV Tandetron             9 MV TANDEM


Workshop on Elastic and Inelastic Neutron Scattering, WINS - 2018. WINS is an workshop organised every two years with the purpose of bringing together the scientists involved worldwide in neutron elastic and inelastic cross section measurements and calculations. The current workshop is the fifth one, following the previous editions organised in Strasbourg (2010), Boston (2012), Dresden (2014) and Santa Fe (2016).


PAC meeting 2019

The next Bucharest PAC meeting will be held at the National Physics Library in Magurele during 23-24th of November 2018. We invite you to submit your proposals of beam-time request at the Bucharest Tandem / Tandetron accelerator complex (9 MV, 3 MV, 1 MV).
