Scattering chamber with gas recirculation system
Contact persons: Horia PETRASCU
The experimental set-up working on the zero-degree beam-line of the 9MV Tandem Accelerator at IFIN-HH now offers a high accuracy and
repeatability of the heavy ions nuclear physics experiments. This is achieved by an automated moving system, placed inside a circular
reaction chamber, consisting of four moving arms covering a complete 360 degrees. Each arm can hold one detector and is powered by a
stepper motor having the possibility of micro-stepping up to 1/256 if the application requires, with a reduction gear box of 60:1 and
a resolver acting as a witness for eventual position corrections. Moreover, the target support, positioned in the center of the chamber,
is also assisted by a stepper motor and can rotate over 360 degrees clockwise or counter clockwise. Two identical Delta E - E
telescopes have received an upgrade in both the gas automated pressure and constant flow regulation by using a software implemented
PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controller.
More details: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms Volume 499, 15 July 2021, Pages 53-60